DIY Organic Make-Up Recipes | Small Footprint Family (2024)

Every individual is perfect in their own way, but that doesn’t mean that occasionally you won’t feel the need for a rosy cheek, a smokey eye, or a glossy lip! The majority of cosmetics contain chemicals and toxins that could potentially harm you, your skin, and age you ahead of your years. So why are we condoning toxic products that’ve been tested on animals when we can have our own makeup, and eat it too!

I challenge you to substitute at least one product in your makeup bag for one of these all-natural and organic makeup alternatives for one week! Using ingredients from your kitchen and local farmer’s market you can make and replace everything in your makeup bag!

More Than Skin-Deep

So what do you really have in your makeup bag? Have you ever thought to check the ingredients per product to see what they mean? Believe it or not the effects of makeup on your health are more serious than you may think.

Your makeup bag holds everything from asbestos to lead, and even more horrors in between! You will find that several of the ingredients in your makeup bag act as stabilizers for industrial cleaners and pesticides. I think it’d be a pretty common assumption that ingredients used to clean a restaurant floor shouldn’t be used on your precious skin!

Unfortunately, in this scenario the honest truth is ugly, and the truth is that a wide range of products in the beauty industry have been linked to eczema, skin irritation, infertility, birth defects, and cancer.

Here is a list of what you should be most hypersensitive about using:


This chemical (which classifies as a pesticide) is used in soaps, deodorants, and toothpastes in order to restrict growth of bacteria and mold. It has the ability to affect the thyroid hormones and may disrupt normal breast development. Common use of this chemical has also been linked to increased bacterial resistance.

Ethylene Oxide

This colorless flammable gas can be found in fragrances and shampoos. The National Toxicology Program classifies it as a carcinogen, and it has also been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer.


Lead is a neurotoxin found quite commonly in beauty products, including toothpastes, nail polishes, foundations, lipsticks, and sunscreens. Lead is known to lessen fertility and could potential cause language and learning disabilities, as well as behavioral problems.


Also known as endocrine disrupters, phthalates can be found in synthetic fragrances as well as nail polish. They have been connected to breast cancer, early puberty in girls, and obesity in children. Studies have also found high phthalate levels in people suffering from diabetes.


Parabens are said to be present in 75-90% of all cosmetic products. They are used as an anti-microbial, anti-fungal, and preservative. They’re unfortunately so common because they are considered a “trade secret” ingredient, which also means that cosmetic companies are not required to list them on the label. Parabens can be found in a wide range of creams, lotions, and antiperspirants, as well as in the biopsies of breast tumors.

DIY Organic Make-Up Recipes | Small Footprint Family (2)

Make Your Own Deodorant

Deodorant consists of anti-bacterial chemicals and aluminum, both of which have been linked to breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Take it from me, you have everything you need to make your own underarm sticks that will keep you smelling great AND you probably already have all the necessary ingredients!

Mix your ingredients thoroughly into a stiff paste and spoon them into an empty underarm antiperspirant stick, cool it in the fridge until firm to the touch. Now you have your own homemade deodorant to apply as usual!

NOTE: If your home is warm keep the deodorant in the fridge (or another cool place) so that the oil doesn’t liquefy.

DIY Organic Make-Up Recipes | Small Footprint Family (3)

Eye Shadow and Face Powder

Talc is a toxic substance that is commonly found in powders and eyeshadows. It acts as an anti-caking agent and can contain asbestos, which is known to cause cancer in the breast and lungs.

Eye shadows and face powders can also contain zinc and bismuth, which may cause skin irritation with continued use. According to dermatitis specialist Dr. Donald Grant, “Unfortunately I do see an awful lot of women who have eczema or inflammation on their eyelids and nowhere else. The tissues around the eyes dries out as you get older.”

How about avoiding this irritation and why not cook up your own beauty regimen in no time at all?

Eye shadow: You will need to use arrowroot as your base for your DIY eye shadow. Use ¼ teaspoon of arrowroot to start, now you may add color until you get the shade you desire! Put into a small container, like these.

Ingredients you will need:

NOTE: For a creamier look, add 1/8th of a teaspoon of shea butter to your powder mixture. This will moisturize your lids and prevent the color from bleeding and rubbing off.

Face powder: You will need to start with 1 tablespoon of arrowroot as your base, and then you may slowly add 1-part cocoa and 1-part nutmeg until you get a shade that correctly matches your skin tone.

DIY Organic Make-Up Recipes | Small Footprint Family (4)

Eyeliner and Mascara

This handy recipe will serve as both an eyeliner and a mascara. You can smoke up those eyes easily using an old mascara tube (cleaned out of course) and a brush to apply the mixture. To clean the mascara tube thoroughly you may soak it in hot water for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse it through.

Ingredients you will need:

All of these ingredients may be found online or at your local health food store or farmers market. To make your all-natural mascara and eyeliner place the beeswax, coconut oil, shea butter, and aloe in a double boiler (if you don’t have a double boiler place the ingredients in a glass or metal bowl and then in a pot of water).

Slowly heat the mixture gently over a very low heat until the mixture is well melted. Crack open the capsule and add in your charcoal, then mix well. Using a funnel or a plastic bag (with the corner snipped off) you may pour the mixture into the empty mascara tube or container for eyeliner.

DIY Organic Make-Up Recipes | Small Footprint Family (5)

When it comes to your precious skin, nothing is too good, and you can never be too cautious. Take the leap and invest in makeup that makes you feel beautiful, and doesn’t have toxic side effects. Most importantly, always read the label before buying a product, and make sure to thoroughly educate yourself on what’s inside – your future self with thank you!

Source: Blog


DIY Organic Make-Up Recipes | Small Footprint Family (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.